JOLI Program

Job Opportunities for Low Income Individuals
Program Description
The Labor Dept. has launched the Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) program to assist and evaluate ways of creating employment and business opportunities for individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance. The program also aids other low-income individuals through self-employment, micro-enterprise, new business ventures, expansion of existing businesses through technical and financial assistance and non-traditional employment initiatives that lead to their economic self-sufficiency.
General Program Requirements
In order to qualify for this benefit program, you, your spouse, parents or children must receive or be eligible to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or your household’s annual income before taxes must be:

less than $8,861 if one person lives in the household;
less than $11,941 if two people live in the household;
less than $15,021 if three people live in the household;
less than $18,101 if four people live in the household;
less than $21,181 if five people live in the household;
less than $24,261 if six people live in the household;
less than $27,341 if seven people live in the household;
less than $30,421 if eight people live in the household;
less than $33,501 if nine people live in the household;
less than $36,581 if 10 people live in the household;
less than $39,661 if 11 people live in the household;
less than $42,741 if 12 people live in the household;
or less than $45,821 if 13 people live in the household.


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