Women Grants

2008 Grants For Women

+ Start your own business + Expand an existing business + Attend college to earn a degree + Pay off your credit card debt

Why Do Women Need Grants?

Women need grants because they have been disadvantaged for over a hundred years. Despite the fact that they make up 51% of the U.S. population, women are a minority. Women have been underserved and overlooked, and still suffer from unfair practices such as gender discrimination, gender underestimation, and even gender harassment.

Women grants, especially business grants for women, give them the upperhand to fight back, and prevail. The concept is very similar to affirmative action initiatives that help other minority groups.

Business grants for women can help them either start or expand an existing home business or non-profit organization. Education grants can help women pay for college - tuition, books, and even dorms.

Why Is Grant Money Available To Women?

Millions of dollars each year allocated to grants for women are investments in the talent, creativity, intellect and determination shown by women in various industries and fields of study..

By investing in the talents of women, those allocating the grants hope to enrich our culture and society. For instance, public grants to advocacy groups allow women to raise awareness about domestic violence or harassment in the workplace. Education grants help women pursue college degrees, and business grants help women advance their careers. Grants can literally change a woman's life!


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